Sunday, January 5, 2020

Business Bus 616 International Business - 2757 Words

BUS 616 – International Business Final Project [Student’s Name] Ashford University Date Table of Contents Culture of the Coca Cola Company 3 Ethics in international dealings 4 COCA COLA market entry 5 Licensing 5 Foreign Direct Investment 6 Joint ventures 7 Accounting practices 7 Strategic positioning of COCA COLA Company 8 COCA COLA international marketing strategy 9 The organization uses the B2C internet marketing technique. 9 Strategic position 10 Conclusion 11 References 13 Introduction Coca Cola is an international organization which is operating in more than 400 countries. It deals in the beverage industry and is leading the industry for years. Coca Cola is a competing brand, which has made its place in the market competing against several brands. Coca Cola is considered as the leading brand and is ranked as number 1 international brand, according to the ranking of 2011. Coca Cola deal in the beverage industry and provides people with several products. It is a well-known name and people all around the world knows about it. Headquarters of Coca Cola is in Atlanta, and the company has been operating for more than 126 years (Wise and Baumgartner, 1999). In 1886, the company was formed and since then it has been serving millions of people around the globe. Coca Cola is the lead brand of Coca Cola Company, which is the greatest reason of its recognition. Despite many competitors like Pepsi Co, the company has been able to maintain its position in theShow MoreRelatedBus 600 Strategies For Competitive Advantage Essay1816 Words   |  8 Pages ANALYSIS OF FRANCESCA’S HOLDING CORP. Ellie Nguyen (Nguyen Thi Thanh Nguyen) Student ID: 002282751 BUS 600 Strategies for Competitive Advantage The George L. Argyros School of Business Economics Chapman University â€Æ' Introduction Francesca’s is a 16-year-old specialty retailer chain in the United States. 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