Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Volcanic Eruptions and Global Climate Change Essay -- Geology Global W

Volcanic Eruptions and Global Climate Change Theoretical There has been a lot of discussion in late decades over how much volcanic ejections add to worldwide environmental change, the demolition of the ozone layer, and an unnatural weather change. This electronic research project manages different sides of this discussion. There will be a particular spotlight on the extraordinary nineteenth century ejections of Tambora and Krakatoa. Chapter by chapter guide Presentation The Effects of Volcanoes on the Earth Systems in General The 18- - Eruption of Tambora and its Effects on the Earth Systems The 1883 Eruption of Krakatoa and its Effects on the Earth Systems Why Some Scientists are Saying that Volcanoes Do Not Have a Great Effect on Worldwide Change End References Presentation Since the get-go, volcanoes have been ejecting on Earth. A great many years back, they made the landmasses, and the gases they created consolidated in the climate to rain and structure the seas. Today, volcanic emissions are probably the most dreaded catastrophic events on the essence of our planet. Their dangerous powers are sufficiently amazing to clear out whole urban areas and slaughter endless quantities of individuals and natural life. There are, nonetheless, different impacts of volcanic ejections that we don't find out about on the news. One emission really has the ability to diminish the temperature everywhere throughout the globe and make a residue cloud that could wait up to five years. Magma additionally contains gases that make a little however critical commitment to ozone consumption. The tremendous ejections of Tambora and Krakatoa in the nineteenth century, which will before long be examined, are incredible instances of how volcanic emissions influence worldwide envir onmental change. The Effects of Volcanoes on the Earth S... .... Accessible from: Mattox, Steve. Volcanic Gases. (1998). Site. Accessible from: NASA Facts. Volcanoes and Global Climate Change. (1998). Site. Accessible from: Bunce, Nigel and Jim Hunt. The Greatest Explosion. (1996). Site. Accessible from: Fountain of liquid magma World. Pictures of Volcanoes. (1996). Site. Accessible from: Natural Protection Agency Stratospheric Protection Division. Fantasy: Volcanoes and Oceans are Causing Ozone Depletion. (1997). Site. Accessible from:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Macbeth Essays (691 words) - Characters In Macbeth,

Macbeth Ailment as Imagery in Macbeth Symbolism assumes a dominating job in Shakespeare's play Macbeth. This expressive gadget shows up in a few unique structures all through the play. Symbolism of creatures, nature, and dimness help make a premonition air. Specifically, the symbolism of infection goes about as an illustration for malice and defilement. The possibility of debasement spreading in Macbeth like a sickness initially shows up in Act 1, scene 3, in one of Macbeth's first speeches. He expresses that the idea of killing Duncan is burdening his find so incredibly that he can't work regularly. Before long, Lady Macbeth, in her very own talk, brings up that Macbeth's just ?disease? (by then) is his aspiration. In spite of the way that he pines for the seat beyond a reasonable doubt, he wouldn't like to usurp Duncan. Shockingly, as the sickness of Macbeth's brain spreads, it assumes the new type of malice. For instance, by Act 2, scene 1, his ?heat abused brain? sees phantoms of the blade he will use to kill Duncan. Not long after Duncan is killed, Lennox, ignorant of this awful deed, depicts how the earth was ?feverous.? In addition to the fact that this comments show that the characteristic request mirrors the ethical request, it is likewise the beginning stage of Scotland's destruction under the standard of Macbeth as lord. In Act 3, scene 4, Macbeth has arranged a dinner that is apparently out of appreciation for Banquo, whom he has quite recently killed. During the dinner, Banquo's phantom causes issues down the road for Macbeth for his activities. Macbeth, ignorant that he is encircled by a few Lords, transparently communicates his stun when he sees Banquo's apparition. Woman Macbeth rapidly goes to her significant other's guide, saying that he is simply tormented by a typical sickness that makes him fantasize. In spite of the fact that this disclosure is completely bogus, it has some unexpected meanings: Macbeth is sick with the infection of insidiousness. As the play advances, the symbolism of the ailing Macbeth turns out to be increasingly clear. In the start of Act 4, scene 3, Malcolm and Macduff, regret the way that Scotland is as sick as its ruler, Macbeth, who has now earned himself the horrendous title of ?despot.? Malcolm even goes so far to distinctively portrays how his nation, represented as a being, seeps under Macbeth. This allegory of a sick nation is reached out as Macduff presents recuperating Scotland, after discovering that his family has been slaughtered. He unfavorably promises to butcher Macbeth, in this manner relieving his country with the medication of retribution. Indeed, even Lady Macbeth has been influenced by the spread of the disease. On a strict premise she has really endured a psychological breakdown, fundamentally because of the substantial burden on her still, small voice. Allegorically, be that as it may, she isn't experiencing a wiped out body, however a wiped out soul. She is simply living in the awfulness of the memory of the malicious deeds that she has submitted. Consequently, the specialist's determination is that her lone expectation lays on divine mending as opposed to physical recovery. The Scottish nobles proceed with the symbolism of infection to stretch that their restriction to Macbeth's ?distempered cause? is advocated. In Act 5, scene 2, Malcolm has been distinguished as the medication for the wiped out nation. Also, his men are prepared to shed their blood as ?cleanse? for Scotland's pain. Back in Macbeth's camp, the despot requests that a specialist fix both the weak Lady Macbeth and Scotland and to discover the reason for their difficulties. Incidentally, Macbeth is uninformed that, actually, he himself is the foundation of both of these situations. The utilization of symbolism in Macbeth is viable in making tension and building up the air of abhorrence prowling. The symbolism of malady as an analogy for malevolence and defilement is fitting for a few reasons. Right off the bat, Macbeth's moderate plummet down the ethical stepping stool is like an infection gradually spreading through a living being. Besides, similarly as Macbeth can't free himself of the idea of slaughtering Duncan, an illness is regularly wild. At last, the representation is reached out, as Malcolm (and to a lesser degree Macduff) is viewed as medication or a healer who fixes Scotland of its sickness.

Simpsons Essays - Television, Series, Entertainment, Free Essays

Simpsons Essays - Television, Series, Entertainment, Free Essays Simpsons Who watches The Simpsons? Piece and Rhetoric For this task I watched the show The Simpsons, which goes ahead the Fox arrange on Sunday evenings at eight. The show is about a vivified family unit and their regular day to day existences. The Simpsons focuses on the working class families that live in suburbia of America. The show mostly offers to families that made out of guardians who work at hands on occupations and have youngsters, between the ages of 10-18. You can tell this from the ads, how The Simpsons way of life is depicted and the jokes contained in the show. The plugs seen nearby the Simpsons apply to the white collar class family. These ads are intended for both the grown-ups and the kids who watch the Simpsons. One such business is for Toys R Us. The business shows a mother and father taking their child to the neighborhood Toys R Us. Inside the store we get shots of the most up to date toys to speak to the children who are viewing the business. The business at that point expresses that it has the most toys at the least cost. This announcement is intended to speak to the guardians who have a low pay and can just purchase toys that are modest. Among different ads that are seen during The Simpsons are family get-away commercials. One such one is of a family going to Disney world. The plugs expresses that Disney world has everything for everybody in the family. The commercial shows the Dad playing golf, which is intended to interest the fathers who watch the Simpsons. The business likewise shows the mother purchasing something at the bless ing shop, which is intended to interest the mothers who watch the show. Lastly the business shows the youngsters going on the rides, which is intended to engage the children who watch the show. Another business seen with The Simpsons is a business for a scaled down van. In this business the smaller than usual van is contrasted with a standard two-entryway vehicle. The business asks, How are you going to accommodated your family in that two-entryway vehicle? This business is intended to speak to individuals who have a huge family that needs all that additional room just a smaller than usual van can give. Additionally the min van comes outfitted with a little T.V, and shows kids watching it. This is intended to speak to youngsters who now rather than simply staying there can sit in front of the TV on long excursions. Every one of these plugs manage families. So implies that the TV station is attempting to promote to families who watch The Simpsons. Additionally the Simpsons reflects the way of life of the individuals who are watching the show. The show consistently manages white collar class circumstances that the watchers can identify with. The family in the show comprises of a working class family with two guardians and three children. Both of the guardians moved on from secondary school and that is the degree of their instruction. The father holds a vocation at the nearby atomic force plant. His better half is a housewife and the two children go to open primary school. A significant number of the issues found in The Simpsons are like those, which happen to white collar class rural families. This would speak to white collar class families since they can relate to issues confronting The Simpsons. In one scene Bart the oldest child has issues with school menace. He gets into a battle and is pounded. Later his folks get some answers concerning his concern. His mother advises him to tell on the harasser while his father instructs him to retaliate and shows him the best way to battle. The guardians viewing can truly identify with The Simpsons. They have managed comparative circumstances with their own children being bulled or getting into battles. While the children who watch The Simpsons can relate to Bart and his issues with the domineering jerk. One other scene The Simpsons needed to move since Homer lost his position at the atomic force plant and indicated how the family needed to straighten out to living in another town. The scene indicated how both the guardians and youngsters needed to meet new individuals. Working class families can comprehend the disappointment that joins moving to

Friday, August 21, 2020

THE MAIN PARTS Essay Example For Students

THE MAIN PARTS Essay A lady may incorporate (Miss), (Mrs.. ) or (Ms. ) to one side of the typewritten signature. Exceptional Parts Of a Business Letter notwithstanding the six standard parts off business letter, here and there unique or discretionary parts are essential or needed by the essayist: 1. The Reference This comprises of the word Ref (short for Reference) trailed by a colon t) and explicit data, frequently a sequential or reference number. It is generally put between the date and within address. Novo 10, 200-Ref Ml/SUCKS/90 Sorer Construction Co. 4335 Broadway Indianapolis, IN 46305 ASSAI 2. The Attention Line When a letter is routed to an organization or association as opposed to an individual, a consideration line might be given to help in mail conveyance. N.B. A consideration line is never given when within address contains a people name. Consideration lines are commonly coordinated to: Sales Division, Personnel Manager, and so on. R it might contain the people name. The consideration line contains the word Attention (or Taint followed by a colon C) and the name of the workplace, office or person. It is put between within address and the greeting. We will compose a custom article on THE MAIN PARTS explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Ref: Ml/SSL_/10/90 USA Attention : Mr. Charles Graham Dear Sirs: 3. The Subject Line The title is utilized to promptly cause the perusers to notice the subject of the letter. It comprises of the word Subject followed by a colon and a word or expressions Of explicit data. The situation Of the title isn't normalized. It might appear to one side of within address, or fixated on the page beneath within address or underneath the greeting. It is generally set beneath the welcome, as demonstrated as follows. Consideration: Mr. Charles Graham Subject: Rough Terrain Crane RISKS-al 4. The Title or Section Name This is set one space beneath the typewritten mark to distinguish the authors position as well as the area s/he works in. Truly yours, Peter Monet Sales Representative 5. The Identification Line When the individual whose mark shows up on the letter isn't the individual who composed the letter, there is a recognizable proof line. It comprises tot two sets tot initials worked by a colon, Usually, the senders initials are promoted and the typists are in lower case. The ID line is two spaces beneath the signature and even with the left edge. PM:dab 6. Nook When something is encased with the letter, a walled in area line is generally composed one space beneath the ID line and even With the left edge. In the event that there is no recognizable proof line. The fenced in area line is two spaces beneath the mark. It is normally composed Once followed by a colon and data. PM :touch Once: Brochures 7 _ Copies to (c:) When a duplicate of a letter is sent to someone else, the letters c followed by a nut case and the name of the individual to whom the duplicate is being sent is composed one space underneath the walled in area line (or the recognizable proof line if there are no fenced in areas). In the event that there is no distinguishing proof line, it shows up tuft spaces beneath the mark. The letters c generally represent duplicate. E. G. .NET: Brochures c: Mr.. Kevin Walker Tarmac State University.

Service Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Administration Learning - Essay Example In such manner, administration learning can be characterized as the technique that includes the instructing of understudies through dynamic conventional learning together with improved cooperation in the social settings, for example, network advancement. In such manner, the principals and practices of the proper learning forms are run simultaneously with the social practices that are mostly gainful to the quick network (Carrington and Saggers, 2008). To be sure, administration learning is regularly under the class of test training whereby its usage happens as youth administration. Because of its intricate nature, administration adapting typically goes connected at the hip with the collaboration of different individuals of all assorted variety (Butin, 2008). Because of this impact, the scholarly help learning has substantiated itself past any sensible uncertainty that it is unquestionably a successful program for getting ready new instructors to work with individuals from different ga therings. This implies various explicit abilities and information exist that both the understudies and the educators procure simultaneously. In this sense, these abilities do a lot of work in improving the instructive results of kids from assorted foundations (Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, 2011). This paper, with explicit reference to Butin’s calculated structure, logically examines the effect of scholarly help learning in advancing adapting to decent variety at the instructive establishments so as to improve the learning results of the understudies. To be sure, scholastic help learning is a vital procedure of discovering that consolidates both the formal and the shared segments of the instructive structure that the understudies experience so as to be healthy (Butin, 2008). While the understudies experience mindfully sorted out learning, they in the process take part in such exercises that are productive to the network on the loose. This reinforces the security between the instructors, understudies, and local people of the networks with the schools being the focal point of this shared relationship. This administration regularly addresses the issues of the quick network through the joining of the scholastic educational program of the understudies into the instructive parts that identify with the network so as to mirror an encounter of administration (National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, 2013). As a general rule, the open doors that administration taking in offers understudies run from the use of the learning of the study hall to the improvement of the nearby organizations that are in presence to support the public venue (for Innovative Teaching and Learning, 2011). Along these lines, administration adapting comprehensively includes the redemption of administration to others through a sorted out scholarly learning basis (Butin, 2008). A basic help learning movement may include gathering refuse in the urban regions to enhance the network before continuing to an exhaustive investigation of the impact of the garbage gathered on nature through a homeroom and lab process. A short time later, the understudies may pick to share the aftereffects of their discoveries most definitely with the neighborhood occupants trying to sharpen them on the need to ensure and monitor the earth (Carrington and Saggers, 2008). Through such exercises of administration learning, the two understudies and instructors will undoubtedly adapt

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Construction Essay

The rapid technological development and industrialisation occurred in the second part of the 19th century alerted the need for improving the existing labour force in terms of operational performance and psychological underpinnings of individual activity. Applied psychology laid the ground for the emergence of the notion of occupational safety that covered basic worker compensation, factory legislation and incidence of workplace accidents (Hofmann, Burke and Zohar, 2017). Initially, academics and policy-makers focused on an individual employee to outline the work format and design basic protection measures. With the course of time, occupational safety research and practice switched its focus to the organisational structure. In line with the tendency, the framework of occupational safety gave priority to safety-related training delivered to workers within the organisational context. The gradual move from the individual employee to the organisation-wide management emphasised the role of leadership in setting up a safety climate underpinning development and practice of safety-oriented processes and systems. Continuing research in occupational safety led to the creation of a multidimensional model of the organisation’s safety culture (Hofmann, Burke and Zohar, 2017). Occupational safety legislation plays a vital role in the development and regular update of the workplace safety framework. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the key law that sets and enforces standards of workplace safety by outlining duties of employers, workers, suppliers, contractors and other stakeholders affecting implementation and malmanagement of workplace safety (Hughes and Ferrett, 2015). The Act evolved from the 1970 Employed Persons (Health and Safety) Bill that encompassed fundamental issues and regulatory activities concerning occupational safety. Though the debate around the relevance and efficiency of the Bill postponed its passage for four years, the adoption of the Occupational Safety and Health Act by the United States and the faced responsibility to align the national legislation with the corresponding European Union’s directives due to the UK’s accession to the EU forced the new Labour government to facilitate the Bill’s passage (Pat erson, 2012). Since 1974, the HASA 1974 has been the fundamental law that defines the authority and structure for encouraging, enforcing and controlling workplace safety and risk management in the United Kingdom. Under the powers of the UK Parliament, the Act offers a sophisticated system of occupational safety policies, procedures and processes applicable to a wide array of industries and risks (Hughes and Ferrett, 2015). The Statutory Instrument introduced in 1974 enables government authorities to regulate occupational safety law and practice. Moreover, the Statutory Instrument attributes enforcement powers to Health and Safety Executive and Health and Safety Commission designated as components of the public supervision system. The Act objectives to secure individual employee safety and health, to protect workers against workplace risks and accidents, to control the use and storage of explosive or other dangerous substances and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere imply the use of fines and other punishment solutions to force organisations to comply their organisational culture and systems accordingly (Barrett, 2000). While regulating occupational safety at the national level, the Act aligns the UK law with the EU directives for workplace safety. Though occupational safety is importance for any industry, it is fundamental for dangerous businesses that are mostly vulnerable to workplace accidents and fatalities. The construction industry is one of such dangerous occupations with the incompatible rates of occupational trauma and death (Sherratt et al., 2015). The key reason for high unsafety concerns the fact that the industry does not set strict requirement for individual qualification and knowledge. Construction labour force typically comprises volunteers who lack technical skills and extensive training. Safety regulation in the construction industry in poor and inadequate without any specific framework in the international context. The dynamics of the industry and low value of workforce result in fast arrangement procedures when volunteers are exposed to unstructured interviews and a brief explanation of their duties without any provision of safety training that indicates the key risks and hazards, protective measures and te chnical issues (Sherratt et al., 2015). Therefore, the national occupational safety law requires a precise address of the construction industry to align its organisational culture and management with the Act provisions.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Potential Breakthrough for Anti-Aging Skin Care

A Potential Breakthrough for Anti-Aging Skin CareThe APA Researcokine is the culmination of a decade of study and more than six years of active research. The team has reached out to more than 20,000 people through more than 7,000 research articles. APA Researcokine is a unique and powerful new anti-aging product which goes beyond anything else on the market to achieve its goal of improving skin quality.With this breakthrough product, the APA Researcokine team hopes to turn over every stone in their research, so that they can uncover the exact cause of the wrinkles in an individual's skin. Once they are able to isolate what exactly is causing them, and correct it, then they hope to come up with a treatment plan that will solve these wrinkles.One of the most intriguing parts of the APA Researcokine Researcher paper is the amount of clinical data that they have uncovered. Many of the new wrinkles caused by aging skin will be the result of complications which arise as a result of toxins in the body.We are all made up of 95% water, but we do not cleanse our hands of this water like we should. They have identified that toxins from the food we eat accumulate in our stomachs and the toxic effects of this toxin work their way up through the system to the skin, resulting in wrinkles which will form.By unblocking the routes where toxins get passed through the body, the APA Researcokine will be able to prevent future wrinkles in the process. It will also help the skin become healthier and in many cases get rid of the very toxins which have caused many of the most common wrinkles which we all suffer from.This research paper also has data which can help address another skin problem which is the thickening of the skin due to age. In order to improve the look of the skin, in many cases it is important to have smooth skin as opposed to dull skin.This research paper is the culmination of years of testing in order to discover the solution to the problem of skin aging. The APA Res earcokine could be the breakthrough product that will rid the world of the wrinkles that plague most of us.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Napoleon Bonaparte As A Multi Faceted Genius - 1094 Words

Nour Ziena Mrs. Mackenzie CLN4U 2016-03-28 Introduction Throughout history, men have always been able to conquer different lands. But of these men â€Å"The Little Corporal also known as Napoleon Bonaparte was able to cast a long shadow, from Holland to Egypt, from Moscow to Cadiz. The code Napoleon still remains with us, as the Arc de Triomphe and the memory of a multi-faceted genius. Throughout the history Europe, kings and dictators have been infamous for their voracious desire for control and complete supremacy; the lure of absolute supremacy and total allegiance was too tempting to disregard. Some made their way by the rights of birth, others by scheming their path through politics. But none are as infamous as Napoleon Bonaparte. He achieved great glory by bringing his country (France) out of the turmoil that followed the revolutionary ages, utilizing his political and military support as well as his outstanding tactics in warfare (Flow of history). He reshaped France and gave a new order to their empires, whilst still remaining in favor with the people. Napoleon was a very influential individual throughout his time. He was a military general and emperor who conquered the majority of Europe in the 19th Century. Napoleon was a brilliant strategist and military leader. He commanded one of the most powerful armies in his time and, for a while, other countries could hardly even compare. He had the ambition, skill, and intelligence to do great things for his country. Although he

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Organizational Culture Of The Work Center - 1647 Words

Introduction There will always be issues in a person’s place of employment. Everyone would love to work in an environment where everyone got along, where everyone knew what his or her roles were and stayed in their lane. Most of all people enjoy working in an atmosphere where the managers provide a sense of pride and welcome to all employees. The attitude of the staff is usually a direct reflection of the person in charge. If the top person seems never to be happy or is a strict micromanager then the attitude of the work center is going to reflect negatively to this. If the manager is viewed as having a low work ethic or uncaring about the job, employees will soon develop that same low work ethic or begin to not care about the production of the work center, this is called the organizational culture of the work area. Nahavandi, Denhardt, Denhardt, define organizational culture as â€Å"the set of values, norms, and beliefs shared by members of an organization† (2014 , p. 39). Most people believe that those of us in the military do not face the same issues that our civilian counterparts encounter. Everyone knows that service members live by a creed of integrity and strive for excellence in all we set forth to do. However, just as one would find in the civilian sector the organizational culture in the military also has its time where managers or leaders do not present the best image for others to follow. The military has issues, with favoritism, racism, and sexism just asShow MoreRelatedORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE1123 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Culture consists of beliefs and behavior. It is cultivated behavior in the sense that it is learnt from the other members of the society. According to Henry Mintzberg, an internationally renowned author on Business and Management, â€Å"culture is the soul of the organization – the beliefs and values, and how they are manifested. I think of the structure as the skeleton, and as the flesh and blood. 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Effective Appraisal Approaches And Its Influence On...

In business, the word of investment can be defined as the outflow of money for the purchase of valuable item with an expectation of positive future return or the purchase of equipment or inventory by owner in order to improve future business. (Kahraman, 2011) Moreover, the part of decision-making preforms a crucial role in business investment that depends upon the investor’s profit expectation, the availability to finance the investment and the potential cost of asset. (Virlics, 2013) However, risk and uncertainty are the basic terms to the decision-making framework. Risk can be defined as the probability or threat of outcomes or loss that is caused by internal or external vulnerabilities where the probabilities of the possible negative†¦show more content†¦(Kahneman Tversky, 1979) It also can be assigned by the probabilities and calculated by taking the average of weight of all possible outcomes under certain circumstance. (Investopedia organization, 2015) To be mo re specific, the expected utility of an act is a weighted average of the utilities out of their potential outcomes, where the utilities of an outcome measures the extent to which that outcome is preferred to the alternatives. The utility of each outcome is weighted depending on the probability of which outcome will it be led to. (Stanford University, 2014) On the other hand, the form of prospect theory is developed by Kahneman Tversky (1992) through a value function (1979), which is defined on gains and losses that related to a reference point, and is normally curving inward for gains, commonly curving outward for losses. Additionally, prospect theory can be defined as a descriptive model of decision-making under risk, which is designed to better explain how individuals actual make choices between different options and prospects. It also evaluates an outcome based on the alternation of total resources and judges by gains and losses that related to the status. (Wen, 2010) Under prospect theory, value is allocated to gains and losses rather than to final assets. Moreover, the investment decision-making is an analogy to the behaviour of

Cost of Capital for Equity and Debt Holders- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCost of Capital for Equity and Debt Holders. Answer: Cost of debt Face value of debt = $1,800,000 Maturity = 2 years Coupon rate = 5.8% p.a paid semi annually The debt rating of the company is AAA, hence according to the credit rating table the yield on bond for 2 years is 0.26%. Cost of debt = 0.26% Cost of Preference share Annual dividend = $0.56 Price of share = $9.30 Cost of preferred capital = annual dividend / price of share = 0.56 / 9.3 = 6% Cost of Equity Risk free rate is considered as the 10 year yield on AAA rated bond which is 0.76%. Beta = 1.4 Market risk premium = 9.6% Cost of equity = Rf + (Beta * market risk premium) = 0.76% + (1.4*9.6%) = 13.7% For weights of each capital, the market value is determined as follows: Market value of debt Price of bond = C*F * ((1-(1+r)-t) / r = 0.029 * 1800000 * ((1-(1+0.0026)-4) / 0.0026 = $207,449.8 Market value of preferred capital No. of shares = 400,000 Market value = 400000 * 9.3 = 3,720,000 Market value of equity Dividend = $0.72 Growth rate for next three years = 8% Constant growth rate = 2% Year Growth rate Dividend 0 $0.72 1 8% $0.78 2 8% $0.84 3 8% $0.91 4 2% $0.93 Price of share = expected dividend / (cost of equity growth rate) Price of share at end of 3rd year = 0.93 / (13.7% - 2%) = $7.95 Present value of cash flows Year Cash Flow Present value 1 $0.78 $0.68 2 $0.84 $0.65 3 $0.91 $0.62 3 $7.95 $5.41 Total present value $7.36 No. of equity share = 1700000 Market value of equity = 1700000 * 7.36 = $12,509,137 WACC Capital Market Value Weights Cost of capital Weighted cost of capital Debt $2,07,449.80 0.01 0.0026 0.00003 Preferred capital $37,20,000.00 0.23 0.06 0.01358 Equity $1,25,09,137.26 0.76 0.137 0.10426 $1,64,36,587.06 1 11.8% Hence the WACC is 11.8% WACC as the discount rate Weighted average cost of capital is the cost of capital of a company that takes into consideration the cost of all the sources of capital used in a business for funding projects and investments. The sources of funds available to a business are debt, equity, preferred stock and retained earnings. Equity is generally the most expensive source of finance and retained earnings the cheapest. WACC shows the interest that the company will have to pay for every dollar invested. The equity holder and debt holders expect a return on their investment and this cost of capital measures the expected returns of the equity and debt holders. WACC is the minimum return that the company should produce for its investors. While evaluating a project under capital budgeting, a cost of capital is required to discount the cash flows to their present value because the rate used to discount the cash flows should represent the expected after tax returns of the different providers of capital. This is to see if the project gives a positive NPV and also two similar projects with different time frame can be compared using a discount rate as all the cash flows are discounted to the present (Young, 2002) In general the companies mostly use WACC as that cost of capital. This is because WACC incorporates all the risk associated with the different sources of finance like debt and equity. When the company is undertaking a project of similar risk as that of the existing projects of the company, it is appropriate to use the WACC as the discount rate. For example, a manufacturer of textiles increases the number of looms from 650 to 100, in this case the industry and the business is the same and there is no change in risk , hence it is preferable to use WACC as the cost of capital. This also means that as a result of the new project, there is no change in the capital structure of the company. This means the ratio of debt and equity should not change due to the new project and should be what it was in the balance sheet. However, WACC cannot be used as a discount rate for projects with a risk different from the existing projects risks. In such cases, the WACC of the company similar to the new project should be taken into consideration or the cost of equity can be calculated using the CAPM model. For riskier projects, a higher discount rate may be used and for less risky projects, a lower discount rate should be used. Bibliography Young, L. (2002, September). Determining the Discount Rate forGovernemnt Projects. New Zealand Treasury: Working Paper 2/21.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Corporate Governance The Board of Tourism Australia

Question: Discuss about the Corporate Governance for the Board of Tourism Australia. Answer: Introduction: The essential criteria for a director to be appointed in the board of Tourism Australia The overarching term, corporate governance is the set of business rules and practices based on which the board of directors maintains transparency and fair relationship in between the company and the stakeholders. The primary objective of Tourism Australia is to enhance the Australian economy by promoting Australia as a destination of both leisure and business events. However, the essential criteria of appointing as a board of director in Tourism Australia are as follows: Sufficient knowledge and experience in tourism sector The primary responsibility of a director of Tourism Australia is to have an in-depth knowledge and experience about tourism sector (Al-Najjar 2014). The individual should know business strategies and policies of satisfying the needs and demands of customers by associating themselves with the tourism industry for a long period. Ability to control the internal dispute among the board members The success of a Tourism Australia is highly dependent on the initiatives and decisions taken by the board of directors. A suitable decision can be taken only when the board members are able to make an effective interpersonal communication among them. An individual director should have the ability to reduce any internal dispute or misunderstanding regarding any kind of issue. Effective communication skill both verbal and non-verbal An efficient director of Tourism Australia should have enough fluency in communication skill (Tricker 2015). Effective communication skill creates an impression on an individual person. Otherwise, this individual fails to interact with the employees properly in order to know their problems at the workplace. Employees on the other hand do not intend to show their interest for following the instruction of board of directors. Reference List: Al-Najjar, B., 2014. Corporate governance, tourism growth and firm performance: Evidence from publicly listed tourism firms in five Middle Eastern countries.Tourism Management,42, pp.342-351. Tricker, B., 2015.Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. Oxford University Press, USA.

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Perfect Application - Why You Should Read the Application Sample Before Applying

The Perfect Application - Why You Should Read the Application Sample Before ApplyingTaking the time to study a Stanford roommate essay sample is one of the best ways to ensure you have a perfect application. Make sure you understand every aspect of your application, because there are literally hundreds of different points that go into completing an application, even if you're applying for a tenured position. This article will show you how to create a perfectly good application from scratch.You can find a Stanford roommate essay sample online by simply searching in Google or Yahoo. Most people do not know how to go about finding this information and therefore end up wasting a lot of time trying to research all of the information themselves. If you plan on applying for any job at all, you must prepare a flawless application.There are many mistakes that will show up in your perfect application. That's why it's important to know what these mistakes are before you submit it. Keep in mind that your application can be a waste of time if you simply fill it out and send it to the right place.One mistake you should never make is leaving off the dorms list. You may think you're being clever, but your application is going to be overlooked if you forget to include this very important section. If you don't give yourself a chance to be noticed, you will probably be ignored, which will make the other students look like they don't care as well.Another mistake that can happen is to be too impersonal in your essay, or to neglect your own individuality. The truth is that you should be quite personal when you are writing your own essay. Even if you write down details about your experience in the dorms, you should still be able to emphasize your thoughts about the school and yourself.You should also write the essay very thoroughly. While the first thing you want to do is get your application approved, the second thing you want to do is get an interview as well. A poorly written essa y will make your application appear worse than it actually is.Your next step is to find a Stanford roommate essay sample online. A lot of people submit a written application and never read anything at all about their application. Your essay is a much better way to research everything that you need to know.Take the time to read over your Stanford roommate essay sample and then start reading up on each area that you have trouble with. Reading over the points will make you see exactly what you need to do, so you can start writing the perfect application. Start preparing today to get accepted to a prestigious university.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Majesty Of Nuuanu Essay Research Paper free essay sample

The Majesty Of Nuuanu Essay, Research Paper On the island of Oahu, at the farthest ranges of emerald-garbed Nuuanu Valley is the Nuuanu Pali there # 8217 ; s a topographic point you can see to bask dense viridity forest, dramatic mountain-to-ocean positions, and a piece of Hawaiian history. Nuuanu is an country located on the southeasterly portion of the island and Pali is a Hawaiian word significance drop . Geting there is really simple if you # 8217 ; re coming from Honolulu. Get on H-1 expressway so take the Pali Highway off-ramp. Once on Pali Highway, follow the green marks alongside the route to make your finish. The drive should take about 15 to 20 proceedingss. Ladies, don # 8217 ; t have on a frock or skirt when sing the Pali because it # 8217 ; s really windy and you won # 8217 ; t bask yourself if you # 8217 ; re worrying about aliens seeing your underwear. Likewise, gentlemen, don # 8217 ; t wear chapeaus, loose dark glassess, or toupees to the site because when a strong blast of air current comes along, you may neer see your properties once more. We will write a custom essay sample on The Majesty Of Nuuanu Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because of the air current, a jacket or jumper is recommended. Depending on the season, sporadic showers of rain are besides common. Make convey a camera, for the position is fabulous and you will non be disappointed. Nuuanu Pali is surrounded by dense forest heavy with wet. As you travel up Pali Highway, the houses begin to thin and the verdure begins to take over. During the winter and spring there are many waterfalls to be seen in the mountains. The trees, covered with moss and green writhing vines, block out the Sun and civilisation. The workss and vines seem to hold taken over everything except the asphalt route being driven on. All of a sudden, the forest terminals and a little unfastened parking batch appears. The sentinel is at the terminal of a paved paseo. On the sides of the paseo are a twosome of sellers. One seller sells Jerseies and custodies out booklets which educate people about the issue of Hawaiian Sovereignty. The other seller sells Polynesian humanistic disciplines and trades. As you stand at the sentinel, expression at the knife-edged ridges to your left and right. These cragged weaponries that embrace the win dward side as far north as Kualoa and as far south as Waimanalo are mere leftovers of Koolau mountain, they are landward wall of what once was a monolithic vent. Time and ocean tides have eroded and collapsed the offshore side of the vent. From the sentinel, many towns and topographic points of involvement can be seen. To the left is Kahaluu and the new H-3 expressway. Straight in front is Kaneohe and Kaneohe Bay. Olomana and Kailua are to the right. You can besides see Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station, the Koolau and Pali golf classs, and Kapaa Quarry. The Koolau Mountains are amazing, olympian, and breathtaking. The blues of the ocean and sky blend together, doing it hard to state where the Earth ends and where the sky begins. Sometimes, the clouds and mist bead depression over the mountains and sheets of rain can be seen falling over the land and sea. Double and ternary rainbows are besides a familiar sight. The cold air current invariably blows and brings the aroma of rain, ferns, and moist Earth mixed together. Standing at that place, at the border of the drop, watching land, sea and sky semen together and feeling and hearing the tanning wind all about, it is easy to be transported back to a clip before concrete, cars, and pollution. More than 200 old ages ago, a great warrior head from the island of Hawaii named Kamehameha envisioned unifying all the Hawaiian islands. Many heads, including High Chief Kalanikupule from the island of Oahu did non portion in Kamehameha # 8217 ; s dream and decided to dispute him. In 1795, 1000s of Kamehameha # 8217 ; s warriors drove Kalanikupule and his ground forces up to Nuuanu Pali where many fell or fought to their deceases. Subsequently, in the early 1800s, the kamaaina would track the deadly Nuuanu Pali with kids, nutrient, and supplies tied to their dorsums. In 1897, a main road was built and during the building, workers found about 800 skulls and other castanetss at the underside of the drop # 8211 ; remains of the warriors who were defeated by Kamehameha. Many more betterments were made to the main road and now the old route is a boosting trail which branches off from the sentinel point.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

ImproveACop - Programming Development Proposal

ImproveACop - Programming Development Proposal Introduction Improve A Cop (or I.A.C for short) is intended to be an arcade style police training simulation. Through the use of different props such as coloured discs and exploding bombs, the game attempts to provide an enjoyable environment while developing hand-eye co-ordination and decision making skills. The system is not only restricted to current and potential police officers, children will enjoy playing the game while sub-concisely improving their skills.I.A.C essentially presents the player with a number of different scenarios such as shooting a number of bombs within a timelimit, practicing shooting eggs as they bounce around the screen and differentiating between civilian and criminal before shooting in a simulation environment. As these missions are completed the "officer's"‚  rank increases providing a basis for score and competition.Human Computer Interface There will be an attempt to create a neat and uniform display featuring consistent items such as score disp lay, lives count and a menu bar.English: Kniffel Score Sheet in Lichtenrade Versio...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Human Resource Management Is Radically Different From Personnel Essay

Human Resource Management Is Radically Different From Personnel Management - Essay Example Human resource management is a two way reaction, firstly people work to achieve their goals by helping organizations grow and secondly the organizations achieve their goals by helping people grow, in short one can say that "the purpose of human resource management is to improve the productive contribution of people to the organization in ways that are strategically, ethically, and socially responsible" (Werther, Keith, 8). Where as when we talk about personnel management than we are also talking about the staff other than managers, which does not even come under HR department such as labor force, which is in contact with the manager who is responsible for the labor dealings, however that manager has a direct relation with human resource department. Further more the human resource management is not just simply limited to the employee relations in a particular way but it is a complete process that makes it so much complicated and interesting, it has a vast scope and objectives which are also related to the organization in which people are working, unlike personnel management which is related to people working for the organization only. The human resource has certain objectives with out which there would be no need of it, there are four types of objectives, Organizational Objective, the organizational effectiveness is the key issue here, its main job is to identify the fact that is there any management exiting or not Then comes Functional Objective, here HR job is to identify and maintain the level of contribution in relation to the organization's needs, then comes Societal Objective, here the job of HR is to fulfill the needs of the society in terms of being ethically and socially responsible in meeting the challenges faced by t he society, then the last one is Personal Objective, it is assumed to be the core purpose of HR and that is to assist employees in reaching their own goals and helping and assuring their contribution in the success of the organization it self. Further more HRM is having various complicated processes such as selection and recruitment process, which is definitely related to the employees but more importantly the company is finding people for its own benefit, here the company is not managing the people but just checking their standards whether they can work or not, so the focus is on the organization's betterment, another process is employee training and development, here the company has some intention in managing the personnel but the main concerns are for the organization's excellence, other processes are employee compensation and incentives which shows a relation between human resource and personnel management, these all are pointing toward the fact that it is a very vast and compli cated field where as personnel management has a limited part to play in the entire human resource management. There are even greater facts to discuss about human resource management which are entirely different than the personnel management and yet having direct impact on the country in which the HRM practices are done, the biggest problem that the countries are facing is the role of human resource department in

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Macroeconomic in Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Macroeconomic in Finance - Essay Example These models also highlight the interrelatedness of variables in the economy, which is one of the core concepts in contemporary macroeconomics. Explain how the effectiveness of both fiscal and monetary policy is dependent on the sensitivity of money demand to the interest rate in the closed-economy. Explain how other factors may also impact on policy effectiveness. Monetary policy is "the government or central bank process of managing the money supply to achieve specific goals such as constraining inflation, maintaining an exchange rate, achieving full employment, or economic growth." The monetary policy tools refer to the policy tools of the central bank used to affect the money supply and interest rates such as open market operations, changes in the discount rates, and changes in the reserve requirements (Mishkin 2004). It should be noted that the effectiveness of all these policies rests on the relationship between money supply and interest rate. Accordingly, an increase in the money supply tends to bring a reduction in the interest rate while a decrease in money supply brings about a rise in interest rates. It is notable that without affecting the interest rate, monetary policy renders no effect on the economy. For example, a government wishing to eliminate unemployment pursues an expansionary monetary policy lowering the reserve ratio. Th is in effect will lead to excess reserve rates and encourages bank lending while increasing the money supply. Since interest rate is inversely related with money supply, interest rate falls which encourages investment. Aggregate demand increases and unemployment is reduced or eliminated through the creation of

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Mao Zedong Essay Example for Free

Mao Zedong Essay Mao Zedong took over the running of China from the GMD in 1949. The country was in an awful situation; it was weak, bankrupt and had little power. There were several reasons why the country was left in such a state. The Emperors who had ruled China for centuries had failed to modernise the country and China still believed in the ancient traditions of life. Foreign intervention had also hindered the development of China and caused problems. Foreign countries, such as Hong Kong, which was controlled by Britain and Mares, which was controlled by Portugal, controlled the main port areas in China. The intervention of foreign influence meant that China was unable to make important decisions for themselves. The world wars and the civil wars also affected China. The continuous battles between the GMD and the CCP striped the land of valuable resources. At the end of the civil war the defeated GMD left China for Taiwan and took the countries gold reserves. When the CCP took over as the governing body of China, they were bankrupt and had little power or resources. Mao Zedong decided action needed to be taken and this was one of the reasons why the second five-year plan was introduced. In 1950 Mao decided that China needed financial support, and so turned to Russia. Russia was the first communist country and was a natural place to look for help. China and Russia signed the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance. China was provided with financial aid and technical advice. They received $300 million over 5 years and 10,000 engineers and planning experts to help develop Chinas economy. The First five year plan was drawn up under the influence of the Russian advisers, to develop the economy. The plan gave priority to the development of heavy industry e. g. steel, coal and machinery. But it neglected light industry such as cotton making and food processing. This meant that the growth in living standards was slow. The first five year plan achieved great success in the development of heavy industry. The output of coal increased from 63. 5 million tonnes in 1952 to 124 tonnes in 1957. The output of steel also increased. It rose from 1,9 million tonnes to 5. 8 million tonnes. The Second five year plan was introduced in 1958 to build upon the successes of the first five year plan. Maos aim was that the second five year plan would improve both industry and agriculture at the same time. The main target of the plan was to catch up with the Western powers. Mao intended that the Chinese economy would overtake Britain in 15 years and America in 20-30 years. Mao took over China when it was very weak and very vulnerable. Under the guidance of the Russian advisers Mao introduced the first five year plan. During this plan some improvements were made, but Mao still decided further sacrifice was needed to move China forward. During Maos tour of the countryside in 1958 he said he had witnessed the tremendous energy of the masses and decided this was the way to change China into a modern country. Mao had a vision to make China into one of the worlds leading industrial nations at the same time as improving her agriculture. To do this Mao introduced the second five year plan, which he called the Great Leap Forward. When Mao received financial aid from Russia in 1950, he described this as getting meat out of the mouth of a tiger. Mao knew it was dangerous but also knew it was the only way to develop China. Mao also introduced the Great Leap Forward because he realised he had to develop China as they could not rely on Russia forever, and must stand on its own. Mao wanted to conduct the Great Leap Forward in a socialist way. Cooperatives and then communes were set up to gather the tremendous energy of the masses. The peasants. The peasants were very important in Maos plan. Mao was going to use the huge amount of peasants to change China. 80-90% of the population were peasants; Mao had plenty of people to carry out tasks. During he first five year plan the peasants had been set up into lower and higher stage co-operatives, this was to share the workload. In the second five year plan these co-operatives were developed into communes. The function of the communes was to act as a unit of local government with a committee made up of peasants, party members and soldiers. Each commune had an eating hall, schools and houses of happiness for the old. They were also set up as a unit of work organisation and finally a unit of the communist party. Mao encouraged the peasants to work by using propaganda. The government made every effort to whip the people into a frenzy of enthusiasm for work. They used posters, slogans and newspaper articles to urge the Chinese people to work, also loudspeakers played revolutionary music and stirring speeches to encourage work. The peasants may have been Chinas biggest resource but they were also theirs biggest problem as there was a tremendous amount of them and it was difficult to feed them all. China had very poor relations with America and there was a risk of conflict. The USA feared that China would spread communism to Asia and then to other parts of the world. The USA also showed its support for the GMD and in 1949 sent a US fleet to Taiwan. This was to show China that its support lay with the GMD and not them. This enraged Mao. In 1950 the USA sent troops to South Korea against the Chinese backed North Korea who were attempting to spread communism. In 1953 the relations between China and the USA were again affected. The USA blocked Chinas application to join the UN (United Nations) because they did not want to accept that the CCP was the governing body of China. China felt threatened by the USA and wanted to strengthen itself so it could stand up to countries like America. This was one of the reasons why the second five-year plan was introduced. China also had difficult relations with Russia. To begin with the two countries had a strong Relationship and then it fell apart. China and Russia seemed to be natural allies against the Western powers, as they were both communist countries. In 1950 Russia and China signed a Treaty of Friendship. But Mao realised this was dangerous, he states it was like taking meat from the mouth of a tiger. Mao wasnt the only one who thought this deal was risky. Khrushchev, the leader of Russia states that conflict with China is inevitable. He also said Mao is bursting with a impatient desire to rule the world. So conflict between the two countries seemed certain. In the mid 1950s the relations between the two countries began to deteriorate, due to several reasons. First Russia promised to help China develop atomic weapons but when asked they refused. Secondly China made claims for land at the India border but Russia failed to back them. China also claimed the right to control Taiwan and Russia again failed to support them. Finally Russia and China themselves had border disputes which weakened relations even further. China began to feel isolated by the breakdown of relations and Mao decided China must develop to survive. Then in1960 Russia withdrew aid, relations at this time were critical. Mao knew he had to act and the poor relations between China and Russia was a main reason why the second five-year plan was introduced. Only a few months after Mao introduced the Great Leap Forward things began to go dreadfully wrong. There were problems in industry and agriculture. The government put too much pressure on people and machinery. Often people would fall asleep at their post and machines would regularly overload due to the increased workload. The idea of the backyard steel campaign was also a failure. It produced impure steel which couldnt be used and steel that could be used was just left to rot. The backyard steel campaign took many peasants away from farming and so less food was being produced. The campaign also used valuable resources it used a lot of wood and coal. Many railway locomotives were unable to be used because of the lack of coal available. The crops that were grown began to die due to bad planning. The crops were place in show fields were there was little room, little and not much water. Bad weather also hindered the production of food. In some parts of the country crop fields were flooded by the heavy rains, whilst other crop field were left without any water and the crop were left to die. During the 3 bitter years 1959-61, over 20million people died as a result of lack of food. This was due to bad planning and the awful weather conditions. When the Russians withdrew their aid in 1960 the second five-year plan collapsed. Mao then lost support and the moderates kicked him out of office. Mao was left with the post of chairman of the party but had no control in the economy or the running of the country. During the second five-year plan the following successes were made. The population was reorganised into communes, this was such a success because there was over 700 million peasants living in China. To start with the plan achieved early success in the production of food and steel. There were also 600,000 furnaces set up to aid in the production of steel. The Chinese peasants also constructed a dam and canal. These were completed in record time. The second five-year plan also suffered a lot of failures. Poor planning caused these. The backyard steel campaign wasted resources such as coal and timber and took peasants away from food production. The output of the steel was impure and unusable. There was competition between communes, which led to each commune setting ridiculous targets. This led to the government believing it had more food and so food rations were increased. The second five-year plan ended in complete failure causing the deaths of more then 20million people from starvation and other related diseases.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Christian Humanism :: essays research papers

Christian Humanism Christian humanism was the humanists’ efforts to unite classical learning with the Christian faith. The Christian humanists rejected what they regarded as medieval Christianity’s excessive emphasis on other worldliness. They desired to bring their knowledge of the classical languages to bear in their effort to attain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith. Christian humanism was properly nothing but a reclaiming of the basic inheritance of history and the natural connection of culture with the religious vistas of the human being.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Desiderius Erasmus was probably one of the biggest and most outstanding of the Christian humanists. He was known as the â€Å"Prince of the Humanists†. He mostly devoted his life to classical studies. His Adages, a collection of Latin proverbs, established his scholarly reputation. Most of his other early works attacked corrupt church practices and the scholasticism developed by churchmen. In the Praise of Folly, his most famous work, made fun of many attitudes of his time which were ignorance , superstition , and greed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another big time humanist was Thomas More. An English statesman and writer, known for his religious stance against King Henry VIII costed him his life. He was England’s greatest humanist. More’s most famous work Utopia described an ideal world where society was based on reason and ignorance. The citizens practiced a Christianity that was free of ignorance and superstition. There was no private property and no desire for profit and there was no war except in self-defense. More contrasted this society with the evils existing in his own society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These Christian humanists had similar characteristics and helped Martin Luther in his reformation process. They both wanted huge reform in the Roman Catholic Church. In Erasmus’s Colloquia his continuing assaults on the evils and errors of the church authorities and on superstition made him vulnerable to the accusation that he was a Lutheran. They both used and emphasized on scripture. Even though Erasmus denied being a Lutheran and at times even verbally attacked Luther, he is often regarded as a precursor of the Reformation. The humanists work in translating and analyzing original sources often uncovered discrepancies among these sources, which led to questions about the Catholic Church's practices and encouraged efforts for reform. Erasmus got this ball rolling and Luther just blew it up. There was just one difference between Erasmus and Luther. Christian humanists believed strongly in the unity of the church and the preservation of a Christian Humanism :: essays research papers Christian Humanism Christian humanism was the humanists’ efforts to unite classical learning with the Christian faith. The Christian humanists rejected what they regarded as medieval Christianity’s excessive emphasis on other worldliness. They desired to bring their knowledge of the classical languages to bear in their effort to attain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith. Christian humanism was properly nothing but a reclaiming of the basic inheritance of history and the natural connection of culture with the religious vistas of the human being.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Desiderius Erasmus was probably one of the biggest and most outstanding of the Christian humanists. He was known as the â€Å"Prince of the Humanists†. He mostly devoted his life to classical studies. His Adages, a collection of Latin proverbs, established his scholarly reputation. Most of his other early works attacked corrupt church practices and the scholasticism developed by churchmen. In the Praise of Folly, his most famous work, made fun of many attitudes of his time which were ignorance , superstition , and greed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another big time humanist was Thomas More. An English statesman and writer, known for his religious stance against King Henry VIII costed him his life. He was England’s greatest humanist. More’s most famous work Utopia described an ideal world where society was based on reason and ignorance. The citizens practiced a Christianity that was free of ignorance and superstition. There was no private property and no desire for profit and there was no war except in self-defense. More contrasted this society with the evils existing in his own society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These Christian humanists had similar characteristics and helped Martin Luther in his reformation process. They both wanted huge reform in the Roman Catholic Church. In Erasmus’s Colloquia his continuing assaults on the evils and errors of the church authorities and on superstition made him vulnerable to the accusation that he was a Lutheran. They both used and emphasized on scripture. Even though Erasmus denied being a Lutheran and at times even verbally attacked Luther, he is often regarded as a precursor of the Reformation. The humanists work in translating and analyzing original sources often uncovered discrepancies among these sources, which led to questions about the Catholic Church's practices and encouraged efforts for reform. Erasmus got this ball rolling and Luther just blew it up. There was just one difference between Erasmus and Luther. Christian humanists believed strongly in the unity of the church and the preservation of a

Monday, January 13, 2020

How Does McEwan Tell the Story in Chapter 9 of ‘Enduring Love’? Essay

Ian McEwan uses a variety of techniques in order to tell the story throughout the novel ‘Enduring Love’. Looking at Chapter 9 in close detail I am going to analyse the ways in which McEwan tells the story with the use of form, structure and language. The majority of the novel is told in the first person however chapter 9 has a third person narrative and is in the present tense. McEwan uses Joe’s narratives in order to explain Clarissa’s perspective. This shifting perspective gives the reader a chance to see Joe from another person’s point of view. By using Clarissa’s perspective, McEwan has created a sense of empathy towards her as Joe is ‘conversationally deaf and blind’ towards her feelings. However it could be argued that this chapter of the novel is more Joe trying to understand Clarissa’s point of view rather than actually telling the story from her perspective, showing the reader only what Joe think she feels other th an what she actually does. Creating an unreliable narrative. Also in chapter 9 the genre is portrayed as more of a romance than a thriller as McEwan uses contemporary romance rather than scientific vocabulary within the narrative, ‘Where’s my kiss? Hug me! Take care of me!’ The use of this romantic narrative takes the novel away from the typical thriller genre in order to tell the story. Although chapter 9 is shown to be of a romantic genre, it still includes conventions which McEwan uses to suggest that the novel is a psychological thriller. The use of a relationship breakdown within this chapter gives the reader this idea. As well as this, towards the end of the chapter the reader is reminded of Joe’s stalker, ‘he sees Parry waiting for him at the end of the brick path he does not even break his stride’ The fact that Jed Parry is waiting at the end of the road for Joe also brings back the idea of a psychological thriller genre. McEwan uses the pace within this chapter in order to effectively tell the story, at the beginning the pace of the narrative is slow, Clarissa is tired and the use of sentences and description suggest that she is calm. It isn’t until the argument breaks out between Joe and Clarissa that the pace begins to pick up. This increased pace within the narrative shows the anger and frustration within Clarissa and is the first sign of the relationship breakdown. Throughout the chapter McEwan shows a sense of frustrated within Clarissa, ‘She stands in the bath and snatches a towel to cover herself’, the idea of ‘snatching’ seems out of character for Clarissa and helps to portray her anger towards Joe and his growing obsession with the accident and the idea that Parry is stalking him. Furthermore, McEwan uses figurative language in order to tell the story, ‘he’s raising his voice over the thunder of the taps’, this use of language could be seen to foreshadow the thunderous argument with is later going to happen between Joe and Clarissa. The irritation within Clarissa is presented in this chapter through the use of figurative language, ‘Joe is hanging in the frame of the bathroom door like some newly discovered non-stop talking ape. Talking, but barely self aware’ Using this quote within the narrative shows how much Joe is getting on Clarissa’s nerves, supporting the idea of a relationship breakdown. The fact that Joe won’t stop talking while she’s trying to relax builds tension within the narrative as Clarissa’s frustration begins to increase suggesting that an argument is about to happen. Throughout chapter 9, Clarissa presents the idea that Joe may not be sane as she discards his claims about Jed Parry, ‘you were so intense about him as soon as you met him. It’s like you invented him’ she suggests to the reader that Joe is imagining everything to do with Jed and the idea that he is stalking him, Clarissa believes that it is just an effect after the traum a of the balloon accident, leaving Joe unstable and ill. McEwan uses this to give the reader another perspective of Joe’s claims as until now we only see the idea that Jed is following Joe. Within this chapter of the novel, the reader becomes aware that Joe is in turn becoming obsessed with Jed, ‘you ought to be asking yourself which way this fixation runs’ Clarissa suggests Joe’s obsession at the same time as discarding this claims about Jed. However at the very end of the chapter we see that Jed is waiting for Joe at the end of the road, reassuring the reader of the reality of the stalker and giving the conventions of a psychological thriller. McEwans use of Jed in this chapter is important as it gives the reader an element of trust within it’s narrator as they begin to believe Joe’s perspective over Clarissa’s.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Business Bus 616 International Business - 2757 Words

BUS 616 – International Business Final Project [Student’s Name] Ashford University Date Table of Contents Culture of the Coca Cola Company 3 Ethics in international dealings 4 COCA COLA market entry 5 Licensing 5 Foreign Direct Investment 6 Joint ventures 7 Accounting practices 7 Strategic positioning of COCA COLA Company 8 COCA COLA international marketing strategy 9 The organization uses the B2C internet marketing technique. 9 Strategic position 10 Conclusion 11 References 13 Introduction Coca Cola is an international organization which is operating in more than 400 countries. It deals in the beverage industry and is leading the industry for years. Coca Cola is a competing brand, which has made its place in the market competing against several brands. Coca Cola is considered as the leading brand and is ranked as number 1 international brand, according to the ranking of 2011. Coca Cola deal in the beverage industry and provides people with several products. It is a well-known name and people all around the world knows about it. Headquarters of Coca Cola is in Atlanta, and the company has been operating for more than 126 years (Wise and Baumgartner, 1999). In 1886, the company was formed and since then it has been serving millions of people around the globe. Coca Cola is the lead brand of Coca Cola Company, which is the greatest reason of its recognition. Despite many competitors like Pepsi Co, the company has been able to maintain its position in theShow MoreRelatedBus 600 Strategies For Competitive Advantage Essay1816 Words   |  8 Pages ANALYSIS OF FRANCESCA’S HOLDING CORP. Ellie Nguyen (Nguyen Thi Thanh Nguyen) Student ID: 002282751 BUS 600 Strategies for Competitive Advantage The George L. Argyros School of Business Economics Chapman University â€Æ' Introduction Francesca’s is a 16-year-old specialty retailer chain in the United States. 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