Friday, October 18, 2019

Rhetorical and cultural analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Rhetorical and cultural analysis - Essay Example Rhetoric and cultural/critical analysis will emphasize on the study of culture, public discourse and texts, and its analysis processes of the influence to the society in multiple media, including essays, books, mass-mediated, speeches and online public discourse. Different authors in multiple media use texts, videos, films, images and other sets of objects in media in order to express and bring out a message that will be interpreted differently with regard to culture. Context One message that has incorporated several sets of objects was the campaign advert of Ron Paul in 2012 when he was campaigning for GOP nomination. He made use of visual aid to pass on a message that would boost his polls in the presidential election. The visual aid made use of texts and video to create an impression in the minds of people. This advert was run on national television in the different media companies. Running the advert using television media achieved a lot compared to media’s like newspaper that many do not read in depth but are interested in the overview of the message. Using television to convey the message meant that the message would capture a large audience. In America, 98% of the households own a television set hence airing the advert would lead to lots of views (McDonough). Compared to the number of people who read text in newspaper the use of video was best suited to deliver the message. In America the people who read the printed newspaper are estimated to be at 23%. Main aim of using media is to pass on information and thus there is need to choose the best method (PewResearchCenter). The presidential aspirant also made use of newspaper to pass on his message in the campaign but the video is what created impact in the rise of his poll. The text and video are connected in that they both are being used to convey a similar message. Rhetoric Analysis The rhetoric devices identifiable in the set of objects used in the television and newspaper was the use of Enumerat ion. Ron Paul makes a details summary of the troops in the Middle East and gives a vivid description of the kind of lifestyle in the Middle East with the presence of foreign troops in the land. This vividness helps great a clear picture in the mind of the viewer. He has also made use of metaphors where he tries to compare the situation in the Middle East with the hypothetical situation in Texas. The metaphor is seen where foreign troops have come and positioned themselves in Texas and he says that the same situation in the Middle East. He has also used allusion to make reference of the promise made by President Obama during campaigns that he would get the troops of America out of the Middle East but he has not done that hence he has not kept his promise and thus he should not be chosen (O’Donnell). These are the noticeable rhetorical devices you will find in the video. There was also amplification or the use of the word revolution. His campaign was based on revolution and fre edom rhetoric to capture the audience through their patriotism. The similarity between the video and the text is that they are conveying the same message using the same rhetoric devices. The video and the text however have very different impacts to the society that the message is intended for. The Video was aired in

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