Monday, September 23, 2019

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper Term - 2

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts - Term Paper Example This created a positive vibe in everyone since the company believed that employees work hard for their family’s future. Because of this culture, employees were more open, honest, caring and committed to the company. Indeed, culture is one good motivator that a company must acknowledge so that management can design programs which would reflect a company’s culture. Case ( 1996 ) argues that culture plays an important role in influencing the behavior of employees, so much that it is given much attention in the workplace. Is this true? In my own experience, the culture of Family Day in my former workplace created a shared meaning that provides positive reinforcement to the employees in a non-monetary way. The employees cherish and nurture their working experience which tremendously manifested in terms of productivity. Once an employee finds his work and organization meaningful, he goes for the extra mile as a token of appreciation to the company. This rubs down on the customer service exemplified by the crew which customers can’t help notice. If an organization would look closely and find ways to boost employee’s morale without spending so much, it only needs to create a good and positive culture. Diversity, on the other hand, is comprised of â€Å"new ideas from variety of sources (that) likewise ensure that all the best ideas and practical knowledge is applied for corporate and organizational unit survival and growth. This is particularly relevant for companies now with the call for both incremental and revolutionary change to enliven the vision and mission† Segal (2001).Coupled with diversity, these individual personal expressions—creativity—can bring about innovative results that would be beneficial to organizations where they are utilized.Let us take again my workplace as an example. The company hired people from different ethnic backgrounds for very good reasons. The recent years saw the

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