Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Potential Breakthrough for Anti-Aging Skin Care

A Potential Breakthrough for Anti-Aging Skin CareThe APA Researcokine is the culmination of a decade of study and more than six years of active research. The team has reached out to more than 20,000 people through more than 7,000 research articles. APA Researcokine is a unique and powerful new anti-aging product which goes beyond anything else on the market to achieve its goal of improving skin quality.With this breakthrough product, the APA Researcokine team hopes to turn over every stone in their research, so that they can uncover the exact cause of the wrinkles in an individual's skin. Once they are able to isolate what exactly is causing them, and correct it, then they hope to come up with a treatment plan that will solve these wrinkles.One of the most intriguing parts of the APA Researcokine Researcher paper is the amount of clinical data that they have uncovered. Many of the new wrinkles caused by aging skin will be the result of complications which arise as a result of toxins in the body.We are all made up of 95% water, but we do not cleanse our hands of this water like we should. They have identified that toxins from the food we eat accumulate in our stomachs and the toxic effects of this toxin work their way up through the system to the skin, resulting in wrinkles which will form.By unblocking the routes where toxins get passed through the body, the APA Researcokine will be able to prevent future wrinkles in the process. It will also help the skin become healthier and in many cases get rid of the very toxins which have caused many of the most common wrinkles which we all suffer from.This research paper also has data which can help address another skin problem which is the thickening of the skin due to age. In order to improve the look of the skin, in many cases it is important to have smooth skin as opposed to dull skin.This research paper is the culmination of years of testing in order to discover the solution to the problem of skin aging. The APA Res earcokine could be the breakthrough product that will rid the world of the wrinkles that plague most of us.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Napoleon Bonaparte As A Multi Faceted Genius - 1094 Words

Nour Ziena Mrs. Mackenzie CLN4U 2016-03-28 Introduction Throughout history, men have always been able to conquer different lands. But of these men â€Å"The Little Corporal also known as Napoleon Bonaparte was able to cast a long shadow, from Holland to Egypt, from Moscow to Cadiz. The code Napoleon still remains with us, as the Arc de Triomphe and the memory of a multi-faceted genius. Throughout the history Europe, kings and dictators have been infamous for their voracious desire for control and complete supremacy; the lure of absolute supremacy and total allegiance was too tempting to disregard. Some made their way by the rights of birth, others by scheming their path through politics. But none are as infamous as Napoleon Bonaparte. He achieved great glory by bringing his country (France) out of the turmoil that followed the revolutionary ages, utilizing his political and military support as well as his outstanding tactics in warfare (Flow of history). He reshaped France and gave a new order to their empires, whilst still remaining in favor with the people. Napoleon was a very influential individual throughout his time. He was a military general and emperor who conquered the majority of Europe in the 19th Century. Napoleon was a brilliant strategist and military leader. He commanded one of the most powerful armies in his time and, for a while, other countries could hardly even compare. He had the ambition, skill, and intelligence to do great things for his country. Although he

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Organizational Culture Of The Work Center - 1647 Words

Introduction There will always be issues in a person’s place of employment. Everyone would love to work in an environment where everyone got along, where everyone knew what his or her roles were and stayed in their lane. Most of all people enjoy working in an atmosphere where the managers provide a sense of pride and welcome to all employees. The attitude of the staff is usually a direct reflection of the person in charge. If the top person seems never to be happy or is a strict micromanager then the attitude of the work center is going to reflect negatively to this. If the manager is viewed as having a low work ethic or uncaring about the job, employees will soon develop that same low work ethic or begin to not care about the production of the work center, this is called the organizational culture of the work area. Nahavandi, Denhardt, Denhardt, define organizational culture as â€Å"the set of values, norms, and beliefs shared by members of an organization† (2014 , p. 39). Most people believe that those of us in the military do not face the same issues that our civilian counterparts encounter. Everyone knows that service members live by a creed of integrity and strive for excellence in all we set forth to do. However, just as one would find in the civilian sector the organizational culture in the military also has its time where managers or leaders do not present the best image for others to follow. The military has issues, with favoritism, racism, and sexism just asShow MoreRelatedORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE1123 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Culture consists of beliefs and behavior. It is cultivated behavior in the sense that it is learnt from the other members of the society. According to Henry Mintzberg, an internationally renowned author on Business and Management, â€Å"culture is the soul of the organization – the beliefs and values, and how they are manifested. I think of the structure as the skeleton, and as the flesh and blood. 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Effective Appraisal Approaches And Its Influence On...

In business, the word of investment can be defined as the outflow of money for the purchase of valuable item with an expectation of positive future return or the purchase of equipment or inventory by owner in order to improve future business. (Kahraman, 2011) Moreover, the part of decision-making preforms a crucial role in business investment that depends upon the investor’s profit expectation, the availability to finance the investment and the potential cost of asset. (Virlics, 2013) However, risk and uncertainty are the basic terms to the decision-making framework. Risk can be defined as the probability or threat of outcomes or loss that is caused by internal or external vulnerabilities where the probabilities of the possible negative†¦show more content†¦(Kahneman Tversky, 1979) It also can be assigned by the probabilities and calculated by taking the average of weight of all possible outcomes under certain circumstance. (Investopedia organization, 2015) To be mo re specific, the expected utility of an act is a weighted average of the utilities out of their potential outcomes, where the utilities of an outcome measures the extent to which that outcome is preferred to the alternatives. The utility of each outcome is weighted depending on the probability of which outcome will it be led to. (Stanford University, 2014) On the other hand, the form of prospect theory is developed by Kahneman Tversky (1992) through a value function (1979), which is defined on gains and losses that related to a reference point, and is normally curving inward for gains, commonly curving outward for losses. Additionally, prospect theory can be defined as a descriptive model of decision-making under risk, which is designed to better explain how individuals actual make choices between different options and prospects. It also evaluates an outcome based on the alternation of total resources and judges by gains and losses that related to the status. (Wen, 2010) Under prospect theory, value is allocated to gains and losses rather than to final assets. Moreover, the investment decision-making is an analogy to the behaviour of

Cost of Capital for Equity and Debt Holders- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCost of Capital for Equity and Debt Holders. Answer: Cost of debt Face value of debt = $1,800,000 Maturity = 2 years Coupon rate = 5.8% p.a paid semi annually The debt rating of the company is AAA, hence according to the credit rating table the yield on bond for 2 years is 0.26%. Cost of debt = 0.26% Cost of Preference share Annual dividend = $0.56 Price of share = $9.30 Cost of preferred capital = annual dividend / price of share = 0.56 / 9.3 = 6% Cost of Equity Risk free rate is considered as the 10 year yield on AAA rated bond which is 0.76%. Beta = 1.4 Market risk premium = 9.6% Cost of equity = Rf + (Beta * market risk premium) = 0.76% + (1.4*9.6%) = 13.7% For weights of each capital, the market value is determined as follows: Market value of debt Price of bond = C*F * ((1-(1+r)-t) / r = 0.029 * 1800000 * ((1-(1+0.0026)-4) / 0.0026 = $207,449.8 Market value of preferred capital No. of shares = 400,000 Market value = 400000 * 9.3 = 3,720,000 Market value of equity Dividend = $0.72 Growth rate for next three years = 8% Constant growth rate = 2% Year Growth rate Dividend 0 $0.72 1 8% $0.78 2 8% $0.84 3 8% $0.91 4 2% $0.93 Price of share = expected dividend / (cost of equity growth rate) Price of share at end of 3rd year = 0.93 / (13.7% - 2%) = $7.95 Present value of cash flows Year Cash Flow Present value 1 $0.78 $0.68 2 $0.84 $0.65 3 $0.91 $0.62 3 $7.95 $5.41 Total present value $7.36 No. of equity share = 1700000 Market value of equity = 1700000 * 7.36 = $12,509,137 WACC Capital Market Value Weights Cost of capital Weighted cost of capital Debt $2,07,449.80 0.01 0.0026 0.00003 Preferred capital $37,20,000.00 0.23 0.06 0.01358 Equity $1,25,09,137.26 0.76 0.137 0.10426 $1,64,36,587.06 1 11.8% Hence the WACC is 11.8% WACC as the discount rate Weighted average cost of capital is the cost of capital of a company that takes into consideration the cost of all the sources of capital used in a business for funding projects and investments. The sources of funds available to a business are debt, equity, preferred stock and retained earnings. Equity is generally the most expensive source of finance and retained earnings the cheapest. WACC shows the interest that the company will have to pay for every dollar invested. The equity holder and debt holders expect a return on their investment and this cost of capital measures the expected returns of the equity and debt holders. WACC is the minimum return that the company should produce for its investors. While evaluating a project under capital budgeting, a cost of capital is required to discount the cash flows to their present value because the rate used to discount the cash flows should represent the expected after tax returns of the different providers of capital. This is to see if the project gives a positive NPV and also two similar projects with different time frame can be compared using a discount rate as all the cash flows are discounted to the present (Young, 2002) In general the companies mostly use WACC as that cost of capital. This is because WACC incorporates all the risk associated with the different sources of finance like debt and equity. When the company is undertaking a project of similar risk as that of the existing projects of the company, it is appropriate to use the WACC as the discount rate. For example, a manufacturer of textiles increases the number of looms from 650 to 100, in this case the industry and the business is the same and there is no change in risk , hence it is preferable to use WACC as the cost of capital. This also means that as a result of the new project, there is no change in the capital structure of the company. This means the ratio of debt and equity should not change due to the new project and should be what it was in the balance sheet. However, WACC cannot be used as a discount rate for projects with a risk different from the existing projects risks. In such cases, the WACC of the company similar to the new project should be taken into consideration or the cost of equity can be calculated using the CAPM model. For riskier projects, a higher discount rate may be used and for less risky projects, a lower discount rate should be used. Bibliography Young, L. (2002, September). Determining the Discount Rate forGovernemnt Projects. New Zealand Treasury: Working Paper 2/21.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Corporate Governance The Board of Tourism Australia

Question: Discuss about the Corporate Governance for the Board of Tourism Australia. Answer: Introduction: The essential criteria for a director to be appointed in the board of Tourism Australia The overarching term, corporate governance is the set of business rules and practices based on which the board of directors maintains transparency and fair relationship in between the company and the stakeholders. The primary objective of Tourism Australia is to enhance the Australian economy by promoting Australia as a destination of both leisure and business events. However, the essential criteria of appointing as a board of director in Tourism Australia are as follows: Sufficient knowledge and experience in tourism sector The primary responsibility of a director of Tourism Australia is to have an in-depth knowledge and experience about tourism sector (Al-Najjar 2014). The individual should know business strategies and policies of satisfying the needs and demands of customers by associating themselves with the tourism industry for a long period. Ability to control the internal dispute among the board members The success of a Tourism Australia is highly dependent on the initiatives and decisions taken by the board of directors. A suitable decision can be taken only when the board members are able to make an effective interpersonal communication among them. An individual director should have the ability to reduce any internal dispute or misunderstanding regarding any kind of issue. Effective communication skill both verbal and non-verbal An efficient director of Tourism Australia should have enough fluency in communication skill (Tricker 2015). Effective communication skill creates an impression on an individual person. Otherwise, this individual fails to interact with the employees properly in order to know their problems at the workplace. Employees on the other hand do not intend to show their interest for following the instruction of board of directors. Reference List: Al-Najjar, B., 2014. Corporate governance, tourism growth and firm performance: Evidence from publicly listed tourism firms in five Middle Eastern countries.Tourism Management,42, pp.342-351. Tricker, B., 2015.Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. Oxford University Press, USA.